A Guide to Ethereal Living

Why did you use this certain image?

This is an image I had in my head before thinking about the project too intently. It displays my interests and ideas, my lifestyle and reactions to that lifestyle. It shows my personality and suggests an academic reasoning under the initial reaction of satire.

Why did you use this format with the image?

Q and As are good for me to organically withdraw information… ..

Why are you placed in the image?

I see myself as very much part of this work. It’s reflective

What the notion of the box?

It represents these two alternate possibly conflicting paths in my practice. Installations, art and nature, and on the other hand commerciality, money and collaboration through my recent practice through Graphic Design / Publishing.

Is this meant to be entertaining?

Initially yes

How does this fit in to your practice?

It displays my current situation and suggests a new path of exploring this point in between

What is this point in between?

I’ve been thinking about ethereal realities.. places that coincides with reality. The obvious places involving the instrument present in the image, others would be the fleeting moments in between your daily routine. People create these places in different formats. In a contemporary context this could revolve around a computer. I also want explore a reaction to reality when this element is taken away

Do you think this depicts you well?

Partially. Maybe it’s more about the idea than myself. I am actually trying to displace my own self in this situation. Yet with my absence the image loses a lot of substance.

What is your reasoning to focus on ethereal spaces?

The spaces are important to connect certain interesting elements. I think when an element is missing a recognition or reinterpretation of this element is where art can come from.

Does this image relate to your research?

The box represents the E.F Schumacher philosophy of appropriate technology where the latest and most advance technology isn’t always the best for achieving your goals. I have this thought with every project undertake. This is the same ethos for diy publishing and music who look to the most appropriate technology with regards to there situation and output. There is also a lot of satire involved through my work, with an academic undertone. It also focuses on reflections of my work as an instrument for the public.

What else would you do with this image?

I would like to describe it and have artists reinterpret it. This would visualise the ethereal process that I’m trying to articulate.

Is there anything else you’d like to say?

Nope. bye!