Culture in the Cave #1 with Ana Lips


    in class 14.00

    Culture in the Cave, exploration with Ana Lipps, hosted by DAD

    Ana will be talking about her personal story and experience with Japanese Jiu Jitsu, while also explaining how we train and what it involves.  Here is a picture of her throwing her uki!


    We think that CULTURE IN THE CAVE could expand this year (2020-2021) in a more PEER TO PEER experiment, a kind of society, where ONE of the participants could share knowledge. This participant becomes a GUIDE. He holds the topic… The group could set up an environment to receive the knowledge, and become the HOST. It holds the atmosphere. This CULTURAL ODYSSEY would encourage sharing all kinds of knowledge, from know-how to social sciences. CULTURE IN THE CAVE could become a society where ambitions and altruism can be collectively received, imagined, performed and discussed, with the hope of reinforcing the group towards imagining, making, living and sharing the new world!

    Be my guide,

    Be my host,

    Florence Parot