12.10.2021 – 4.11.2021

Sunrise Apocalypse!

Concert at OT301  4.11.2021

Buongiorno! Good Morning! So we have woken up after the apocalypse! Surely that’s the case, we hope, even if inside we still feel there could be worse to come. keeping the hope alive, Sunrise apocalypse gives us the privilege to imagine and create rituals of what to do the morning after the apocalypse, and maybe they can even end up being useful if the apocalypse is not entirely over.

Starting from your practices as individuals with the format open to collaborations and possible (or impossible) collective moments, Sunrise apocalypse gives the space for the creation of these rituals as a forward looking mirror on your practices, a precursor to Banana Mountain and an open place of experimentation, culminating in a public performance at OT301.


Water Walk, John Cage, 1959

OT301 concert space, 2021

Osibisa Album Cover, 1971