Maddalena Fragnito – Elements of Radical Care

    8.11.2022 lecture

    Maddalena Fragnito

    Elements of Radical Care

    The capitalist organisation of care produces and reproduces our societies’ necropolitical assumptions (Mbembe 2003). What is saved and whatnot, who takes care and who does not, who lives and who can only afford to survive, are decisions at the heart of every assemblage and society historically formalised by different models of care re/distribution. The same Covid-19 pandemic can be read as a crisis highlighting many of these necropolitical assumptions. That said, throughout history and till nowadays, like an underground railway, resistant communities have produced other models of care re/distribution to dominant norms. The analysis of these practices, their recurrent and discordant elements, can be helpful for those who are willing to think and organise our relations differently within this planet.


    Maddalena Fragnito is an artist and activist and co-author of Rebelling with Care (WeMake, 2019) and Ecologie della cura: Prospettive transfemministe (Orthotes, 2021). She is also a cofounder of MACAO (2012), an autonomous cultural centre in Milan, and SopraSotto (2013), a self-managed kindergarten by parents. She is part of the research groups Pirate Care (2019), OBOT/Biofriction (2020) and Institute of Radical Imagination (2021), and is currently a Doctoral candidate at Coventry University’s Centre for Postdigital Cultures

    Maddalena has worked as an artist and researcher in Cultural Institutions, Magazines and Universities such as:  Santarcangelo Festival (IT), Teatro Valle Occupato (IT), Short Theatre (IT), WeMake (IT), Studi del presente (IT), CheFare (IT), Euronomade (IT), Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa (IT), Biennale di Venezia (IT), S.a.L.E. Docks (IT), Ex Asilo Filangieri (IT), Teatro India (IT), MACBA (SP), Rotor (AU), Dancem (FR), Museo Reina Sophia (SP), Institute for Network Cultures (NL), Documenta 14 (DE), Nottingham Contemporary (UK), Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Naba (IT), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (SP), Politecnico di Milano (IT), Università degli Studi Bicocca (IT), Sapienza Università di Roma (IT), IUAV (IT), Coventry University’s Postdigital Cultures Centre (UK), STATISTA (DE), Drugo More (HR), La Casa Encendida (SP), Losanne University (SW), Institute of Radical Immagination (EU), L’Internationale (EU), Duke University (US), CHEAP (IT), BASE (IT), Q CODE Magazine, Fondazione ISEC (IT).