Introduction To The Work


With a gesture in material as her starting point, I considers design as the phenomenal transformation of material into thing.
This concern with the process of production, or of coming into being, is central in my practice; using it to research the relationships between
the natural and the artificial, and the standard and the idiosyncratic.
Giving space to the material to dictate the design process, my pieces find a balance between the wild – or grown – and the synthetic, or produced.
Collaborations with large industries, as well as research into the history and the future of production, are a great source of inspiration
and a necessary tool to find the most powerful material gestures. As my motives of design are definitely tied with economical and social concerns,
my research expands both into material sense as it ventures into ideas of alternative economies, designs of cities, production systems and a second planet.

Currently, my work focuses on the relationship of surface and content of material; resulting in a series of styrofoam sculptures: the Monolith series.
With the AGE-ISM lecture series, I speculate on the relationship between innovation and culture. Looking back at both Hegelian and Marxist perspectives, I sketch an understanding of the dual constuction between the two; between real and ideal, between economy and experience.
The Age-ism lecture series will show speed, the screen, cars, the desert, information, energy, satellites, violence, entropy, the spectacle and the particle accelerator.