
October 2014

Élise Ehry, Joséphine Péguillan, Arthur Tramier. Service from 18/10/2014 18:00 
to 19/10/2014 18:00 
at De Fabriek, Eindhoven (NL)

“Maintenance is a drag; it takes all the fucking time (lit.) The mind boggles and chafes at the boredom.”1
To be over productive while keeping a space unproductive. By non stop cleaning, we aimed to stop the passage of time.
By keeping the space spotless, we erased any sign of moving away from its initial state. The exhibition space was very present
and pretending self-effacement.
“Sorry, is this your job or is this art?”
1 – Manifesto for maintenance art, 1969, Proposal for an exhibition “care”, Mierle Laderman Ukeles