*Ossip Lux Show 2015

An exhibition that turned its title into a symbol and a word as a subtitle that makes no apparent sense. A feeling of hovering between magical powers and drug overdoses sent by the seven to bring the light, what does the symbol mean? who is *Ossip Lux? and why has the exhibition turned into a living space? In its fourth year of deep space trajectory the Dirty Art Department seeks to be in some far off place where the laws of gravity can be defied as well as being in the earthly here and now. With the intention not to subvert, but to abolish the status of things, and to realise that the polarisation of the ideas of how we inhabit the mind and the planet miss a multitude of potentials (because we want to get to somewhere else but we want to do it here), the members of the Dirty Art Department seek to navigate a place where gravity can act in any direction and where thoughts can come from nowhere, echo off of walls that suddenly materialise and still have no meaning.

The trip of the last two years of the Dirty Art Department has been full of curiosity, tenacity and action, which saw the occupation of a building in the Papaverweg, and the creation of the autonomous living and project space PostNorma. This laid the fertile ground to not only think about, but to act out, test and live other ways of being in a place where, temporarily at least, the rules of gravity had been defied. The resulting works in *Ossip Lux create independent trajectories that spiral, flip and bunny hop around desire and consideration, through irony and reality, above representation and function, below life and art, between eluding identities and plotting constellations, flying around autonomy and society, inside consumer and consumed, and tripping on sublime vulgarity and spectacular poetry, and dancing on immortalised death and fleeting ecstasy.




Pictures by Chris Rijksen