
2019, installation




casted plywood, found plywood, found goat skulls, hand crafted wood chain, hand crafted wood cable, found laughing gas capsules, found coffin fabric

…you can glue a piece of wood back together, wet clay and knead it into a new form, but when the egg yolk suddenly clashes into the white it means that it’s fucked up, and at this point becomes unusable for an artistically legit painting that would allow you  to see more spiritual & elevated realities.

The act of making is repetitive, it’s oppressive. Excessive labor that doesn´t allow you to go beyond the V-shaped form that you carve again & again & again. Multiple boregasms, a decked out version of contact shame, it feels fucked up like somehow you had something to do with it.

Nevertheless, we swap stories with each other while problem solving as a method of learning and as practice, they are work. Beginning with a problem, these shared stories become communal knowledge through a process of intense diagnosis and breakdown.

A debt may never be repaid in the end, which may explain why time only goes forward and never backwards…