“A hundred seconds longer and it’s over. Looking for real? For real. New imagined memoir.
Cállate, que menudo polvo echaron tus padres para tenerte. There is no love, but I call them
lovers. Caretaker. Heart-shaped piggy bank”
2021. Performance
“A hundred seconds longer and it’s over. Looking for real? For real. New imagined memoir.
Cállate, que menudo polvo echaron tus padres para tenerte. There is no love, but I call them
lovers. Caretaker. Heart-shaped piggy bank” is the title of a performance where the evolving
process of understanding and experiencing intimacy is dissected through a visual autofiction.
Through three acts, a changing manipulation of water—from contained reflection to a force
defiant of control, and later, a puddle of introspection—speaks to the ever-changing nature of
shame. Within a choreography of endurance, friction and the communal, social and intimate
gestures are abstracted, becoming actors for the destabilisation of normative structures. I
assume the stranger as a subject who can be trusted.
Eloy Cruz del Prado (Madrid,1992) works between the roles of resistance and self-reliance in the development of intimacy, sexuality, care and love. Their research focuses on these tools in the creation of non-normative identities allowing for the growth of new social imaginings and defiance. In del Prado’s performance and installation works, social belonging is unraveled through an emotional and political lens, while tradition, as a strategy for the settlement of social structures, and memory, as a malleable object, are present as important agents in this process.